November 27 at 4:53pm
September 26 at 7:46pm
Fished today with a couple of my favorites, clients from OBX that happen to be from my home town. Killed 4 and lost 5 others. Last day on the water here until Dec as big blow starts tonight and off to Alaska Sunday.
August 19 at 1:29pm
June 27 at 10:25am
June 24 at 10:48am
May 2 at 8:25am
March 6 at 11:03am
The winds are far from fair and the sea is definitely not calm, but we can expect some great catches once it clears up! Call us at 757-567-2468 to book or to find more information.
February 29 at 10:13am
December 15 at 8:05am
Made dirty boat a purdy boat....
November 20 at 12:45pm