We may have packed up all the ghosts and jack o lanterns, but we’re still drowning in Halloween candy over here on Fernando Street. The kids had an absolute ball, and if you have never experienced Halloween in Downtown Manteo, it is really something to see! There are so many things going on, we did not make it everything…but here is a run down of our very first Halloween in paradise!
We started our evening around 5:30 at Mount Olivet UMC. They had their annual Trunk or Treat, complete with hotdogs, popcorn, a bouncy house and huge inflated slide. From there, we headed to Children’s Fest on Queen Elizabeth Street in the heart of downtown. There was face painting, bouncy houses, games, candy, food trucks, a hay ride over through Festival Park, and more candy. Afterwards, we headed up Sir Walter Raleigh for traditional trick or treating where the kids buckets were stuffed
to the brim. We tried to take the kids through the kid friendly haunted house in the Maritime Museum and Boathouse…but they were too scared. Maybe next year!
By 8 o’clock it was dark and things where winding down. I don’t know who was more exhausted… the kids, or us! It was a fantastic evening and we are constantly surprised and impressed with the town events and their commitment to making Manteo a great place for children and families.
Believe it or not, even though we are barely a week into November, we are already switching gears into Christmas mode! More to come soon on all the things to experience at the inn and on the outer banks this holiday season!