Fresh Seafood in Manns Harbor, NC
A locals' favorite for fresh seafood, Outland Seafood in Manns Harbor, NC is perfectly situated for picking up fresh, local seafood on your way into the Outer Banks from the west. Located in Manns Harbor, very close to the foot of Virginia Dare Bridge, stop here to pick up crabs, fish, shrimp and shellfish. Depending on the season (because this is fresh-caught seafood), you might find blue crabs, soft-shell crabs and crabmeat; brown, spotted or white (greentail) shrimp; NC and Virginia oysters and clams; and fish caught from the local commercial fleets, from yellowfin tuna and mahi mahi to tilefish and grouper to flounder and black sea bass and more. Outland also sells wild-caught Pacific Coast crabs like snow, king and Dungeness crab legs. They'll tell you how to cook your seafood if you need some tips, and they sell the seasonings, spices, breaders and other items that you'll need. Or you can have them steam up shrimp, clams, crabs, oysters or crab legs to take home with you. Stop again on your way out of town and they'll pack up your seafood on ice for taking home and stocking your freezer. They also sell coolers and fishing gear.